
How to earn money online with adsterra ads network

How to earn money online with the adsterra ads network  Adsterra is an advertising network that allows website owners and publishers to earn money by displaying ads on their websites. Here are some ways to earn money online with Adsterra: Display Ads on Your Website: Once you sign up with Adsterra, you can place ads on your website and earn money whenever someone clicks on or interacts with the ads. Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats, including display banners, pop-unders, interstitials, and push notifications, so you can choose the format that works best for your website. Referral Program: Adsterra also has a referral program that allows you to earn money by referring new publishers to the network. When someone signs up using your referral link and starts earning money with Adsterra, you will receive a commission on their earnings. Adsterra API: If you're a developer, you can use Adsterra's API to integrate ads into your apps or websites. You'll earn money every tim